Working with your external environment is more straightforward than working with the forces of your unconscious mind. As a result, in order to succeed it makes sense to start by working with what you can see and control. This is why we have a term for the things that are easy to take care of: They’re called “balanced” activities.
These don’t require any special knowledge or training since they just come naturally for us. They include things like eating meals together as a family, playing music, and volunteering at a charity organization. In other words, balanced activities keep our lives in balance by providing us with the necessary nutrients that help us thrive as individuals and as members of society. For example, when we eat well and get sufficient sleep our minds are able to function at their best and make rational decisions that lead us down productive paths.
How to train your inner power
If you want to grow as a person, you need to expand your capacity for inner power. You can do this by training your internal resources. First, identify what you already have that can help you get through external challenges. You can use the “5 A’s” as a starting point. For example, if you’re feeling lonely, you can turn to your internal resources by searching for ways to connect with other people.
You can also use your internal resources to deal with other challenges that come your way. Next, look for what you can contribute from within. For example, if you feel like your work is lacking inspiration, you can tap into your internal resources to produce something you’re excited about. You can also use the 5 A’s to make the most of your natural talents.
Develop your willpower muscle
The human brain is like a computer with a vast capacity to store information. However, it can only process so many things at once, which is why we have to make choices and decisions. The power of your willpower muscle comes from exercising it. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. And the stronger it gets, the better you will be at managing your feelings, thoughts, and actions.
The brain is plastic—it can change and adapt—so the more you use it, the more you will internalize this skill. As a result, you will see yourself gaining more control over your mental processes and emotional responses. You will also see yourself having more space for creativity and imagination. Willpower is a muscle that needs to be strengthened with the right type of exercise. You could try some of these activities daily to help strengthen your willpower muscle:
Stay hydrated
You may be surprised to learn that dehydration is a common contributor to feelings of stress. When you become dehydrated, your brain interprets this as “I don’t have enough water” and thus tries to get you to drink more water. The same thing happens when we are feeling stressed out—our brains perceive it as “there’s too much to do” and thus “we need to do something about it”.
How do you know if you’re getting dehydrated? The easiest way is to ask yourself: Am I having difficulty concentrating? If the answer is yes, then you may be dehydrated. There are several signs that you’re getting dehydrated and they include: Difficulty concentrating; blurry thinking; fatigue; headaches; and feeling anxious or restless.
Get a good night’s sleep
If you don’t get enough sleep your willpower muscle gets fatigued. Because of this, your ability to make good decisions and take action is compromised. How can you tell if you’re getting enough sleep? Ask yourself these questions: What is the last thing I remember dreaming about?
What is the first thing I remember when I wake up? If you answered the last question, the last thing you remember before you fell asleep was something that triggered anxiety. Another sign of sleep deprivation is if you feel restless or anxious when you are supposed to be relaxing.
Exercise regularly
Regular exercise helps you build willpower and improves your self-confidence. Willpower is like a muscle that needs to be trained like any other. If you don’t use it, then you don’t have it. When you exercise, you are training your brain to keep your willpower muscle strong.
As a result, you will see yourself having more self-confidence, feeling less stressed about everyday challenges, and finding it easier to make decisions. Tip: If you are having trouble sticking to an exercise routine on a regular basis, try creating a visual image of how you want to look, sound, and feel after you complete your workout.
Learn how to deal with stress
If you don’t learn how to calm down after a stressful experience, then you will feel stressed out much more often. How do you deal with stress? You might think that it’s about having the “correct” opinions about important topics, but this is actually wrong. The most effective way to deal with stress is to stay relaxed and use your internal resources when you’re confronted with a challenging situation.
There are several ways to stay relaxed when you are feeling stressed out: Find something interesting to do with your mind while you wait for the challenging situation to pass. Find a song that reminds you of relaxation and play it over and over again. When you’re in a stressful situation, you can use breathing to slow down the anxious thoughts in your mind.
The best way to train your inner power is by using your internal resources to calm down, relax, and focus on what you are doing. You can also use your internal resources to stay relaxed and to find something interesting to do with your mind. Let’s recap what we’ve learned so far. Balanced activities keep your life in balance by providing you with the necessary nutrients that help you thrive.
These activities include eating meals together as a family, playing music, and volunteering at a charity organization. The human brain is like a computer with a vast capacity to store information. The power of your willpower muscle comes from exercising it. The best way to train your inner power is by using your internal resources to calm down, relax, and focus on what you are doing.