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5 Causes of Lower Back Pain: What Should You Be Aware Of?

5 Causes of Lower Back Pain
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Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints among adults. It can be caused by numerous factors, including sedentary lifestyles and strain on the lower back from daily activities. While lower back pain can often be minimized with a well-structured sitting routine and regular exercise, it can also appear as an acute condition if not treated appropriately. Here are five less obvious causes of lower back pain that you should be aware of. If you suspect that you are experiencing lower back pain because one of these factors is causing this problem for you, take action immediately so that the cause doesn’t continue to affect your life.

Lack of Exercise and Habit

Many individuals who have lower back pain may simply be suffering from a lack of exercise. Many people become less active as they grow older. When this occurs, muscles begin to atrophy, which puts strain on joints and ligaments as well as the spine. Over time, a lack of exercise can lead to a condition called osteoarthritis, which is characterized by achy joints and reduced mobility. To prevent lower back pain, simply make regular exercise a habit.

Weak Back Muscles

A weak back muscles are often to blame when a person experiences lower back pain. As people age, they often experience a decline in muscle mass. If your lower back muscles become weaker, they aren’t able to support your spine as well as they did when you were younger. As a result, they are more likely to develop back pain as you age. To prevent lower back pain, perform a daily back exercise routine. You can also add an upper body routine to ensure that your arms are strong enough to support your spine. A daily back exercise routine can also help you avoid lower back pain as you age.

Faulty Spine Support

The spine is a complex structure that connects the upper and lower body. It is made up of a series of bones – cervical (neck), thoracic (chest), lumbar (lower back), sacral (pelvic area) and the coccyx (tailbone). The spine is supported by muscles that attach from the pelvis to the tailbone. If any of these muscles are weak or overstretched, the spine is at risk of developing pain and injury. A faulty support for the spine can be caused by poor sitting posture, lack of sleep, obesity, or an injury such as a sprained or strained ligament or muscle. If you suffer from lower back pain, you may notice that your pain is more severe when you wake up or when you are lying down. This is likely because you are experiencing a faulty support for your spine in one of these positions.

Stretching Deficiency

One easy-to-spot cause of lower back pain is a stretching deficiency. If you have been doing daily yoga or Pilates routines, but your back pain persists, then you may be stretching yourself too much. To prevent this, ensure that you have a daily stretching routine that focuses on stiff muscles before you attempt any of your back exercises. Instead of attempting a back exercise routine when your lower back pain is severe, make an effort to stretch out the affected muscles beforehand. This will help you prevent lower back pain from occurring in the first place.

Incorrect Lumbar Curve

The spine is designed to have a slight lumbar curve. However, for many individuals with lower back pain, the lumbar curve is too low. As a result, the spine is at risk of developing pain. To correct this, you will need to have your doctor perform an assessment of your spine. Next, a treatment plan will be created based on this assessment. Also, ensure that you have a daily stretching routine that focuses on your lower back muscles. This will ensure that your spine is not too straight and is at risk of pain.

Summing up

Lower back pain can be caused by a number of factors, including a lack of exercise and weak back muscles. A stretching deficiency and an incorrect lumbar curve are also common causes of lower back pain. To prevent lower back pain, simply make regular exercise a habit. Make sure that your back muscles are adequately stretched before attempting any back exercises. Finally, make sure that your lumbar curve is slightly curved and that your pain is relieved by a daily stretching routine.

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