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Blind Faith: The Power of Belief and the Art of Seeing

Blind Faith: The Power of Belief and the Art of Seeing
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If you believe you can, then nothing will be impossible to you. – Arjuna In the epic Hindu story of the Mahabharata, Arjuna is born with a disability that limits his ability to see. He is ostracized by society and labeled as a coward for being unable to face his foes in battle. But Arjuna also has faith in himself and his team of charioteers. They suggest that he visualizes the target they need him to shoot at, but he refuses.

Instead, he calls upon the divine spirit within him: Brahma Vidya Viddhi “The divine sight that belongs to Brahma.” Through this faith, he sees the target in front of him with perfect clarity, even though it is pitch black outside.

When your mind is filled with positive thoughts and images, it’s easier for you to see things clearly as well. If we turn our attention inward, our own minds are capable of producing beliefs and ideas that allow us to see things clearly too — even when there are other people and circumstances standing in our way.

You Are What You Believe

The beliefs we hold create our reality. When we believe something, we create a mental picture of it in our heads. Our beliefs are often unconscious and have been shaped by our experiences and the people around us. What we believe is often influenced by what we were taught as children, or by other people’s beliefs, but it’s important to remember that we don’t have to follow things just because other people do. We are able to choose our own beliefs and beliefs. Because our minds are creative and can produce new ideas and beliefs, it’s important to actively choose what we believe.

There are many beliefs that are limiting, but there are also many beliefs that are empowering. Many of the limiting beliefs can be changed or replaced with empowering beliefs. There’s no reason to stay in a belief system that’s holding you back. Change your beliefs and you’ll change your life.

Blind Faith Is Powerful

Faith is about imagination and belief. It requires imagination to create a cast of characters who help you visualize your goals and positive outcomes. It also requires belief because you have to trust that this imagined cast of characters will guide you towards your desired outcomes. Blind faith is not about blindly believing in something without evidence or proof. It’s about creating a new way of seeing things and trusting that your new way of seeing things is real.

Blind faith is powerful because it allows us to shift our focus away from evidence and proof. It allows us to trust in our ability to see things differently by turning off the rational part of our brain. When we are in a state of blind faith, we are able to see things in a new way that hasn’t been filtered through the lens of logic and evidence. This can be a powerful state because it allows us to see things in a new way that can lead us to new solutions.

Blind Faith: The Power of Belief and the Art of Seeing

Blind Faith Isn’t Always the Best Option

We need to remember that blind faith is not the same as unbridled optimism. Blind faith does not mean that we don’t try to understand or connect with the reality around us. We can still seek evidence and proof, we can still ask questions, and we can still try to connect with the reality that we are experiencing. At the same time, we can still turn off the part of our brain that is filtering everything through logic and evidence. When we are in a state of blind faith, we are able to see things in a new way that hasn’t been filtered through the lens of logic and evidence. This can be a powerful state because it allows us to see things in a new way that can lead us to new solutions.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Blind Faith

The best way to use blind faith is to turn it on when you need it most. If you find yourself in a stressful situation or with a difficult person, turn your blind faith on. Take a few deep breaths, turn your attention inward, and relax your body and mind. Begin to envision your ideal outcome, cast your imagination towards positive characters, and trust that your trusted cast of characters will guide you towards your desired outcome. It can also be helpful to reflect on your childhood. What were some of the most significant beliefs that you grew up with? What were some of the negative beliefs that you grew up with? Try to remember these things, and see if you can turn them into empowering beliefs.

Be Willing to Receive

One of the best ways to develop your own blind faith is to become open to receiving insights and information from others as well. This doesn’t mean that you have to follow every piece of advice that you receive. You can choose to trust your own insights and self‑knowing even when you don’t agree with other people’s insights. But it’s important to remember that humans are connected by the same human qualities: love, joy, sadness, anger, frustration, and all of the other human emotions. When we are open to receiving insights from others, or from within ourselves, we can draw upon these qualities to guide us.

How to Develop Your Own Blind Faith

The best way to develop your own blind faith is to practice trusting your intuitions and instincts. If you find that you are often receiving advice or insights from others, and you are not trusting them, then you need to ask yourself why that is. Are you afraid of being wrong? Are you afraid of being courageous? Are you afraid of being human? Once you’ve identified what it is that you are afraid of, you can begin working on overcoming your fears. Start with small steps, and build up momentum.

Make a commitment to yourself to take action, even if it’s just taking a small step towards your goal. When you take action, and you are successful, you will build confidence and momentum. With each step you take, you’ll feel more and more confident in your ability to see things for what they really are. Eventually, you’ll be able to step out of your own way, and see things for what they really are, even if they don’t have a name.


Faith is a powerful tool that allows us to create a new way of seeing, even when there is no evidence or proof. This new way of seeing can lead us to new solutions. When we are in a state of blind faith, we are able to see things in a new way that hasn’t been filtered through the lens of logic and evidence. This can be a powerful state because it allows us to see things in a new way that can lead us to new solutions. We can develop our own blind faith by trusting our intuitions and instincts.

We can also open ourselves up to receiving insights from others when they are willing to receive insights from within themselves. When we are open to receiving, we can draw upon the same human qualities that connect us all.

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